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Endometriosis file

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The "dossiers" are my personal files that I've been building up as I learn, interview, read and train. I've decided to put them at your disposal.n. I invite you to contribute to this dossier, by commenting on it and sharing your knowledge, sources or discoveries.


DEFINITION: migration/colonization of cells from the uterine mucosa to other tissues: ovaries, ligaments, intestine, colon, lungs and higher. These migrated cells are hyperoestrogenic and resistant to progesterone.
This causes bleeding elsewhere and inflammation.

adenomyosis:endometriosis in the myometrium

There are internal endometriosis (within the uterus) and external endometriosis. Not all endometriosis is painful (30%), and not all causes infertility either.

PREVALENCE : 1 in 10 women?

RECOGNIZING ENDOMETRIOSIS: Painful periods from the 2nd or 3rd day onwards, pain in certain positions, pain during intercourse (2 types of dyspareunia, introductory or profound), lengthening of the estrogen phase, digestive problems.
It's an inflammatory disease, so you can see the signs of inflammation, but the symptoms depend on where it's located. For example, if it's on the bladder: pain on urination.
An ultrasound can be done as a first-line procedure, but only an MRI can reliably detect endometriosis (which is not easy to detect, especially if the practitioner is not a specialist, and can easily be missed with an ultrasound).
Blocked blood stasis

Disease progression is influenced by inflammation. Inflammatory cytokines (messengers in the body) + there are more of them + endometriosis cells (those that migrate) migrate. Inflammatory cytokines promote cell migration, so by reducing inflammation we reduce the disease!

Studies show that women with endometriosis have more bisphenol in their blood (plastic, canned food, cans, etc.).
risk of infertility (either localization or inflammation)

DIAGNOSTICS echo , presence of a marker in the blood to be assessed: CA 125

WHAT WOMEN CAN DESCRIBE: barbed wire in the uterus, forceps in the ovaries etc. often described violently by women due to intense pain (A.C)

PHYSIOLOGICAL CAUSES physiologically unknown. Retrograde flow theory or since embryogenesis, the latest research would indicate that it is an autoimmune disease.


(A.C) hyper-active women,
relationship with mother: young girl who sees her mother as an example and doesn't feel she can measure up,
the mother who has not accepted her transgenerational memories,
sexual violence: a part of the body does not accept life inside (memory or experience)

According to the dictionary of biological decoding: wanting to make one's nest elsewhere.

MEDICAL TTT: pill, artificial menopause , surgery (curttage, etc.)


Anti-inflammatory diet (reducing inflammation reduces cell migration):

  • reduce omega-6: essential fatty acid, omega that we don't produce naturally, so it's the only external source. animal fat, certain types of eggs, fats, etc.

(From omega 6, arachidonic acid is created, which produces the type 2 prostaglandin that promotes disease progression).

  • reduce animal fat consumption.
  • avoid linoleic acid in sunflower and grapeseed oil: rich in linoleic acid, which is an omega-6 and therefore also a precursor of inflammation
  • Omega 3, an anti-inflammatory precursor found in mackerel, sardines, herring, anchovies and trout. Gives rise to type 3 prostanglandin, which is anti-inflammatory. Eat small, fatty fish that compete with inflammatory prostaglandins.
  • conventional eggs are rich in omega 6 due to poor nutrition, be careful to buy eggs rich in omega 3 (hens fed linseed) eggs with omega 3 or blue white heart.
  • Fight oxidative stress: inflammation also linked to cell oxidation. With green tea, turmeric, ginger, certain spices and red fruits, to combat oxidative stress and inflammation.
    by improving this parameter, you can really reduce cycle and pelvic pain and influence the progression of the disease.

(F.P)Avoiding estrogenic endocrine disruptors

Pathological endometriotic cells are dysfunctional, with hyperoestrogenism and progesterone resistance.
Limit bisphenols: (xenoestrogens) stop using plastic, metal cans and preserves (to avoid adding to hyperoestrogenism). Women with endometriosis have a non-negligible qtt of bisphenol in their blood, whereas this is not detectable in a woman without endometriosis: over-exposure or difficulty in eliminating it?
Limiting phthalates: stretch plastic film
Limit pesticides: eat organic, especially fruit (the most heavily treated are apples, pears, cherries and strawberries).
PCBs and dioxins: animal fat binds these pollutants

Modulate circulating hormone levels:
avoid alcohol, which increases the level of circulating estrogen by reducing its evacuation by the liver
eat fiber to eliminate estrogen through bile

Digestive disorders:
avoid substances that damage the mucosa, such as alcohol
strong spices such as chili pepper and even paprika increase intestinal permeability, leading to bacterial debris that increases inflammation. avoid anything that promotes intestinal porosity.
avoid pepper, which causes porosity

3 out of 4 women experience virtually no pain on a gluten-free diet

fodmaps diet if severe digestive problems

Other tracks

spa treatment reimbursed by social security can provide relief and healing (vaginal spraying)
yin yoga to reduce pelvic pain
aromatherapy, etc.


My sources or interesting links:
amandine cotteaux naturopath (
++ Fabien piasco author of L'alimentation anti-endométriose - Les bienfaits de l'alimentation anti-inflammatoire pour vaincre les douleurs (literature, 260 scientific references++)

Mélissa Carlier
Mélissa Carlier



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